Top 5 Website, Where you can learn How to hack like Hackers#1. Hackfourms — Hacking and Market place The no. 1 hackers communities with 225,405 memeber with 1,514,999 threads. where you can even learn…
XUS PC Lock offers a new and fun way for you to lock your computer. Before using XUS PC Lock, you have to define your lock pattern. The next time you will…
Almost anyone knows how to make a “hidden” folder in Windows, but then again almost anyone knows how to make explorer show hidden folders. Let’s take a look at how to make…
Hi friendzz…..Today I am introducing a new trick to place background picture for your pen-drive.Just copy the code below code to notepad & then save it as “desktop.ini” [.ShellClassInfo]IconFile=%SystemRoot%system32SHELL32.dllIconIndex=127ConfirmFileOp=0[{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}]Attributes=1IconArea_Image=“YourPictureName.jpg”IconArea_Text=”0xFFFFFF”VeBRA sources – don’t delete the…
Hello friends you know how to delete or unfriend multiple Facebook friends in Facebook.I know 90% from you think this is a fun but today i shares a complete tutorial who helps…