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Subhadip Chanda

Web Developer - Techinnovator Team

Remove Multiple Hyperlinks From a Word Document

MS WordHave you ever tried to create an assignment for your class by copying from Wikipedia? Isn’t is annoying with all those hyperlinks? It’s really painful and a time waster to remove them one by one by right clicking the link and selecting “Remove Hyperlink”. If you are submitting your assignment as hard copy, it increases the amount of ink used (for those underline and change of style) and if it is a softcopy it clearly shows that you have copied. :roll:
So here is the solution for this problem:
  • Select the text area from which you want to remove hyperlinks (Ctrl + A to select the entire document)
  • Once selected press Control + Shift + F9
The document will now be converted to text, and the hyperlinks will be totally removed. And now that is a time saver. Is it not? ;)
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