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Subhadip Chanda

Web Developer - Techinnovator Team

Copying data from DOS / console mode program screens

If you’re still using DOS or console mode (also refereed to as character mode) programs that doesn’t provide a way to export data, you maybe looking for a way to capture what’s displayed on such programs. This is how you can do it.
  • Start a DOS box or a Command Prompt (DOS box) inside Windows.
To start command prompt in windows XP got to  start > run and type in “cmd”Tip: If you dont like the colour combination of the command prompt, you may try these combinations
green on black:  Type in “color 0a” at command prompt.
  • green on blue: type in ” color 1a” at commnad prompt.
use help color for more information…
  • Start a DOS box or a Command Prompt (DOS box) inside Windows.
To start command prompt in windows XP got to  start > run and type in “cmd”
  • Run the character mode program that you want to import data from, and go to the screen with the data you want to capture.
  • Right click the title bar of the DOS box
  • Select “Edit | Mark”
  • Click and drag the mouse until you select the data area that you want to copy. Press ENTER when you’ve finished selecting.
  • Switch to the Windows program that you want to import the just copied data to, and select its paste function.
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