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Subhadip Chanda

Web Developer - Techinnovator Team

OnSay – Call Your Twitter Friends For Free

Twitter is a great tool to connect with your friends and celebrity crushes easily. Just follow them and if they follow you back, you can now have a great conversation. But aside from tweeting each other, do you know that there’s a way to make free voice calls with your Twitter friends? Check out OnSay!

OnSay – Call your Twitter friends for free

OnSay is an Android/iOS app that lets you call your Twitter friends without a phone number for free. It has a uniqueand minimalistic interface that I’m sure you’ll find cute!
The good thing about OnSay is that you are not required to signup for a new account in order to use it. Upon launching the app, you’ll be asked to login to your Twitter account so you’ll be able to see your friends. Once logged in, OnSay will display all your Twitter friends under Invite tab.
Since OnSay is not really that popular and fairly new, you should not expect that a lot of your friends are using this app. To start calling your Twitter friends, you must ask them to install the app on their phones first. You can easily invite them to join OnSay by tapping their names and tweet the default invitation or you can also personalize it! Once they have installed it, their names will appear under the Friends tab.
OnSay Friends
To make a call, just press the OnSay icon below the name of your friend or by pressing the Call button. You can also block a user from calling you by pressing the Block this user button.
OnSay Calling
OnSay stores call history in the Recent Calls tab. The only downside of this app is that you won’t be able to receive a call or get notification for incoming calls if the app is closed so make sure you keep it open all the time so you won’t miss a call from your celebrity friends!

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