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Subhadip Chanda

Web Developer - Techinnovator Team


“How to be Anonymous on Internet?” is the question most new Internet users asked.If you are an old user of internet you should have better understanding of IP addresses, Privacy Options, Proxy Server etc.But new users are not aware of these things.Below are the 5 Easy Steps to be Anonymous on Internet.
1) Don’t Provide Real Information:
When you Sign Up on a site, don’t provide your real information i.e. name, phone number, address etc.Always use imaginary details.

2) Don’t Upload Yours Pictures:
If you want to be Anonymous on internet you shouldn’t upload your pictures on internet to use them as avatar or anything else.

3) Use Website Privacy Options:
Privacy Options also help to be Anonymous on internet.Always use Privacy Options If Available.For Example you can use privacy options in Facebook to block visibility of your personal details to persons other than friends.

4) Be Careful to whom you Add:
If you are Using Messenger like Yahoo or Windows Live.Always add the known persons.Don’t add unknown persons.

5) Use Proxy Server:
When you use proxy server you are also anonymous.There are many websites on internet which allows you to browse websites using Proxy.Search Google to find proxy sites.Some websites are given below.

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