If you have a mobile phone number in your blacklist and want to block the incoming calls and messages on your iphone, there’s no built in option on iphone that would come to your rescue. But there’s a nifty utility that will help you do it easily. iBlacklist is a tiny app that will help you block incoming calls and sms. You need to have your iPhone jailbroken before using the tool. Just go to www.jailbreakme.comand jailbreak your iphone.

After jailbreaking your iphone, open up cydia and search for iblacklist. Now install the app. The full version of the app costs 12$. The free version allows you to add upto two numbers.
- Once the app is installed, tap on iblacklist and the window will popup showing a number of options from that tap on ” Enable “.
- By default the call and sms blocking will be set to ON. You’ll also have the options to turn ON blocking for the mms and facetime.
- Now tap go to the main screen of iBlacklist and tap on ” Blacklists ” > You’ll have the options to add a new black list. By default you’ll see a ” General BL ” list. You could either create a custom list or move ahead by tapping on it.
- Tap on the (+) sign and you’ll see more options to Add the number from contacts, add from recent calls and from recent messages. Now add the number using any of these options and tap on ” Save “.
- The main screen of iBlacklist gives you option to set a password for security.
- From the main screen tap on Call Settings and you can configure the Filter Options such as Show status bar icon, sound notify, vibrate, block calls with less than x number of digits etc.
- The ” Action Setup ” option on the main screen allows you to set the actions to be performed when you receive the call. Tap on it and you’ll see Whitelists & Restricted Number.
- Now tap on ” Restricted Number “ & you could choose whether you need to give a Busy Signal, Accept & Hangup, Voicemail. Besides the other two options choose any of these three which suits you the best and tap on Save.
- Now save you settings and you’re set to block the mobile numbers.