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Subhadip Chanda

Web Developer - Techinnovator Team

How to Uninstall Web Store Apps from Google Chrome

Chrome Webstore Logo
So, finally Google too launched its own Web store for apps which will be facilitating its Chrome platform. If you are on Google Chrome web browser then you might have downloaded and installed various apps, but how to uninstall the installed apps? Let’s check out how you can do so. Just by following a simple procedure, you can uninstall the installed apps.
Procedure to uninstall the apps:
  • First, you will have to open the Google Chrome web browser.
Google Chrome
  • Now, you need to go to a New Tab Page by clicking on the + which is at the right side of your last opened tab on the tab bar, or use Ctrl+T on your keyboard or Command+T if you are accessing from your Mac.
Chrome Tab
  • Now after opening a new tab, you can see the list of installed app thumbnails as shown below, just point the mouse on the app which you wish to uninstall and roll over the mouse on the Settings icon and click on that.
App Settings
Now, as soon as you click on the Settings icon which is located at the top right side of the app icon after which you will find an option to uninstall, as soon as you click on uninstall, the app will be removed successfully from your computer.
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