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Subhadip Chanda

Web Developer - Techinnovator Team

Iconize Taskbar In Windows XP And Vista Like In Windows Seven

Windows Seven is probably the hottest OS today. It looks awesome especially its taskbar! Windows Seven’s taskbar is not just the normal one that we can see in Windows XP and Vista. Many people call it the “Superbar” because of its fresh new look and awesome features! The “Superbar” has taken the Windows taskbar to the next level since its launch in Windows 95.
One of the new features of the Superbar is it uses large icons instead of showing text in application buttons. Previous Windows versions used to show icon as well as text in all application’s taskbar buttons.
This is how the Superbar looks like:
Windows Seven Iconize Superbar
It’s cool right? Well if you are still using Windows XP or Vista, there’s a free utility that can “iconize” your taskbar like in Windows Seven.
Taskbar Iconizer is a small portable tool which uses the same registry trick to provide iconize taskbar feature inWindows XP and Vista. You just need to download the file, run it and it will show this window:
Taskbar Iconizer For Windows XP And Vista
Simply click on the right-side image which shows Windows 7 Type “Iconized” and you’re done! You just need to log off or restart the system for it to take effect.
To restore the default settings, simply click on the left-side image.
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