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Subhadip Chanda

Web Developer - Techinnovator Team

Protect your USB from Autoruns and malwares. – BitDefender Usb Immunizer

Introduction of the software : This small free utility alows you to protect your USB device or Memory card from autoruns and other malwares.It is one of the most commonly used malware Blockable being used nowadays. This Utility guarantees full protection after being installed on the USB !
Process: Download this free utility. It is divided into two sections.

  • The Immunize option allows us to immuzine our USB or Micro Sd, so that the malware cant create its autorun.inf file even when you plug-in your USB device into an infected system.

  • The Second  option is ” Immunize computer slider” .It allows us to toggle the autorun feature on or off. SO that even if by chance your USB is infected it wont deliever th autorun or malware to your system when you plug-in the device.

Download : Click here to Download BiTDeFenDer Usb ImMuNiZeR

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