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Subhadip Chanda

Web Developer - Techinnovator Team

Seven Bad Tech Habits

PCWorld recently published a list of seven bad habits one should not follow in the tech world.
They are:
  1. 1.Cluttered desktop
  2. 2.Using the Power Button to Shut Down
  3. 3.Storing Passwords in a Text File
  4. 4.Using the Mouse to Launch Programs
  5. 5.Carrying an Unencrypted Flash Drive
  6. 6.Blindly Clicking ‘Next’ When Installing Software
  7. 7.Relying on a Single Backup Method
I can boldly say that I don’t have any of those bad habits except points 5 and 6. Remember these are bad habits and avoiding them will increase not only your productivity, it will also reduce stress there by help you live a healthy life.
Do you think any of the bad habits are missing in this list? Please share in comments.
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